Itchy Poopzkid - Dancing In The Sun songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Dancing In The Sun songtext lyrics]

Thank God we ended war
We're at peace and fight no more
Everyone is helping and giving back
When I turn on my TV
Not a single catastrophe
The future's looking bright, we are right on track

We're singing oh
Whoa oh oh
Whoa oh oh
Whoa oh oh

We're dancing in the sun
And everybody's happy
Welcome to a world
Where no one cares who's number one
Where you don't feel no pain
And nobody is screaming
Everyone has signed and no one's ever on the run
We're dancing in the sun

Ah ooh
Remember those hungry kids?
Now they got Mars and Twix
Another good o' misery has passed
You love suits and they love you
It's like a dream come true
Black and white side by side at last

We're singing oh
Whoa oh oh
Whoa oh oh
Whoa oh oh

We're dancing in the sun
And everybody's happy
Welcome to a world
Where no one cares who's number one
Where you don't feel no pain
And nobody is screaming
Everyone has signed and no one's ever on the run
We're dancing in the sun

We're singing oh
Whoa oh oh
Whoa oh oh
Whoa oh oh

We're dancing in the sun
And everybody's happy
Welcome to a world
Where no one cares who's number one
Where you don't feel no pain
And nobody is screaming
Everyone has signed and no one's ever on the run
We're dancing in the sun

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