Itchy Poopzkid - Plastic songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Plastic songtext lyrics]

There's a pain inside my head
There's a hole inside my chest
There are chains around my feet
And a life that feels like death

Plastic, plastic
All I feel is
Plastic, plastic
All around me
Plastic, plastic
I walk in a daze

Now who is the architect
Of this lonely artifact
It is me and it is you
It's in all the things we do
Guess who is the architect
Of this life without effect
A synthetic scenery
That was meant for you and me

Every word and every smile
Always seems so fake to me
Superficial in bad style
Maddening triviality

Plastic, plastic
All I feel is
Plastic, plastic
All around me
Plastic, plastic
I walk in a daze

Now who is the architect
Of this lonely artifact
It is me and it is you
It's in all the things we do
Guess who is the architect
Of this life without effect
A synthetic scenery
That was meant for you and me

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