Itchy Poopzkid - Meant To Be songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Meant To Be songtext lyrics]

I took a million steps that should lead me to you
You took a million more and now all I can do
To hold on to what we had is to give it away
We tried to fight but could not get up from the ground
The weight of the moment kept them holding us down
Inside of the ones we didn't even want to stay

I can still feel the fire when this guy met this girl
When we thought we could take on and conquer the world
How can something as special as us disappear from me
Or was it never meant to be

The cold winter wind kept them blowing in spring
And then in the summer wished through autumn again
Without having had the chance to let sunlight inside
We talked a hundred thoughts and tried to get to the core
But the words died down we couldn't hear them no more
The only thing let to say was I'm sorry, goodbye

I can still feel the fire when that guy met this girl
When we thought we could take on and conquer the world
How can something as special as us disappear from me
Or was it never meant to be

What's the reason why we all live to die
When we only miss what's the point of this?
What's the reason why we all live to die
When we only miss what's the point of this?
What's the reason why we all live to die
When we only miss what's the point of this?

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