Itchy Poopzkid, Christoph Von Freydorf - The Weight Of The Water songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid, Christoph Von Freydorf - The Weight Of The Water songtext lyrics]

And then the weight of the water
Keeps pushing you further
Away from the surface
Deep down to the ground

There is no air left to breathe in
Your body is freezing
Unable to hold on
As you're sliding down

Don't forget to cross your fingers 'fore you sleep
Never make promises that you can't keep
No one knows if you will wake up before you lose
Your conscience and your shelter too
And all your nightmares will come true

Check, are you ready, come on

And then the fire gets closer
And you're not supposed to
Move out of its way
As it burns up your face

You feel your blood is boiling
The heat is destroying
Your skin piece by piece
What the hell is this place?

Don't forget to cross your fingers 'fore you sleep
Never make promises that you can't keep
No one knows if you will wake up before you lose
Your conscience and your shelter too
And all your nightmares will come true

No matter what I'm doing or where I'm going
But I'm not going anywhere
No matter what I'm doing or where I'm going
But I'm not going anywhere

No matter what I'm doing or where I'm going
But I'm not going anywhere
No matter what I'm doing or where I'm going
But I'm not going anywhere

No matter what I'm doing or where I'm going
But I'm not going anywhere
No matter what I'm doing or where I'm going
But I'm not going anywhere

Don't forget to cross your fingers 'fore you sleep
Never make promises that you can't keep
No one knows if you will wake up before you lose
Your conscience and your shelter too
And all your nightmares will come true

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