Itchy Poopzkid - Against The Wall songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Against The Wall songtext lyrics]

Wasted time, wasted words
Pent-up thoughts until it hurts
I fake a smile and I try to find my way out

Feels so bad, so bad to see
That you are way different from me
I can see myself watching you vanish in the crowd

And you ask me what it's all about
I don't know the answer
Keep starring right against the wall
I bite my lips and cut my tongue
Words are so damn useless
You just don't understand at all

Gleams of hope are passing by
And now I know I won't rely on anyone no more
It always turns out wrong

Pack your bags, take good care
Don't look back - become aware!
Nothing's real. I guess we knew it all along

It always starts quite fine
And every time it feels alright
I fall down again and I lose my trust
In anyone around:
I'd tell you how it hurts inside
But you just don't understand at all

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