Itchy Poopzkid - All My Fault songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - All My Fault songtext lyrics]

The times are over
When everything we did was fun
Nothing we hadn't done
But now it's gone

Forever's history
Birds aren't flying anymore
Like all the years before
Now you shut the door

Messed it up
Did it wrong
My mistake
It's all gone
Over now
Can't be undone

Made you leave
Pissed you off
All my fault
You had enough
Way too late
I can't carry on

I left you waiting
I lied to you I made you cry
I didn't even try
Now you have said goodbye

I'm feeling guilty
Your life's like hell because of me
Gave you no chance to be
In love and free

Messed it up
Did it wrong
My mistake
It's all gone
Over now
Can't be undone

Made you leave
Pissed you off
All my fault
You had enough
Way too late
I can't carry on

Please come back home
Feel so alone
Please come back home
Please come back home

Messed it up
Did it wrong
My mistake
It's all gone
Over now
Can't be undone

Made you leave
Pissed you off
All my fault
You had enough
Way too late
I can't carry on

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