Itchy Poopzkid - Every Girl's In Love With Me songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Every Girl's In Love With Me songtext lyrics]

Hey you, don't you know me anymore
We used to say hello five or six years ago
So now I thought maybe we could
Have a good time come on you just have to follow

And then I will caress your toe
Instead of this her elbow
Is punching right in my face
I am so amazed

Blood all over my shirt
I'm falling in the dirt
And she's walking away
So what, tomorrow is another day

I got time baby
Feel so fine maybe
Next time I think we can kiss before you hit me

I don't mind baby
You're so blind maybe
That's just because you don't know you're in love with me

Tell me, have you ever heard that you
Look like one of those babes from the Playboy video
You are indeed as pretty as me
If you try you will grow by the way do you know

I'll be a star you better blow
The girl's will wait in a row
I'll be happy all day
Nothing much more to say

Suddenly she turns around
My breakin' bones make funny sounds
Now she's walking away
So what, tomorrow is another day

I got time baby
Feel so fine maybe
Next time I think we can kiss before you hit me

I don't mind baby
You're so blind maybe
That's just because you don't know you're in love with me

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