Itchy Poopzkid - Give It A Try songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Give It A Try songtext lyrics]

It's me against the world
It's me against myself
Where is the reason to stay sober?!
I look into your eyes
Come on, give it a try
We'll work it out, so let's start over

This world is going down the drain
Indifference drives me insane
The two of us alone again - alone again

There's so much left to understand
Keep your head up and take my hand
We're gonna get it right my friend

Save me from this cloud above me
Take me by your hand and you'll see
That I will do the same to you

Save me from this cloud above me
Take me back to happy endings
And I will do the same to you

Wipe away your tears
Read between the lines
Please let us talk the whole night away

Addicted to your words
So, don't you say good bye
We're gonna be first place in this game

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