Itchy Poopzkid - Kante songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Kante songtext lyrics]

Thoughts running through my head about the life I lead
I'm questioning the values and the things that I need
Reality fulfilled most of the dreams I had
But I remember paradise much differently than that

Waiting for this moment
Waiting for a sign
Waiting for another chance to make it mine
Looking for a hero that will show me the way through
I'm looking at the stars while I'm waiting for you

You offered me your heart but then I let you go
Now I'm drowning in the water that you used to swallow
I realised my fault, I suffered and cried
My cuts are slowly healing from the stitches I denied

Waiting for this moment
Waiting for a sign
Waiting for another chance to make it mine
Looking for a hero that will show me the way through
I'm looking at the stars while I'm waiting for you

Waiting for this moment
Waiting for a sign
Waiting for another chance to make it mine
Looking for a hero that will show me the way through
I'm looking at the stars while I'm waiting for you

Waiting for this moment
Waiting for a sign
Waiting for another chance to make it mine
Looking for a hero that will show me the way through
I'm looking at the stars while I'm waiting for you

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