Itchy Poopzkid - Personality songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Personality songtext lyrics]

Everybody stop
Here's what I'm offering
Everybody look at me
You tried to be on top
Boy, you tried everything
But this is the new place to be

Go go go! let's got excited
Say, go go go! time to ignite
Go go go! your personality

Oh oh oh oh you can't get out
Oh oh you're trapped in yourself
Oh oh oh oh you scream, you shout
Oh oh oh oh can't get out

Welcome to your life
The new reality
That's what you're supposed to be
As easy as it gets
Forget the agony
Yourself is what you get for free

Go go go! let's got excited
Say, go go go! time to ignite
Go go go! your personality

Oh oh oh oh you can't get out
Oh oh you're trapped in yourself
Oh oh oh oh you scream, you shout
Oh oh oh oh can't get out

Cannot get out
Woh, yeah!
Cannot get out

Oh oh oh oh you can't get out
Oh oh you're trapped in yourself
Oh oh oh oh you scream, you shout
Oh oh oh oh yeah!
Oh oh oh oh you can't get out
Oh oh you're trapped in yourself
Oh oh oh oh you scream, you shout
Oh oh oh oh can't get out

Cannot get out
Cannot get out
Cannot, cannot
Cannot get out
Cannot get out
Woh, yeah!
Cannot get out
Cannot get out
Cannot, cannot
Cannot get out
Cannot get out

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