Itchy Poopzkid - Please Don't songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Please Don't songtext lyrics]

Please, don't leave
Please, don't leave me
Please, don't go away from here

Why did I even kill me
And everything I got?
Why did I get so sick of
All I got?

Why did I never wonder
If this is what I need?

Why did I never see the
Love the that filled me?

But now it's all the same again
I'm all alone again
Facing the wall

The mirror's looking at me again
Laughing at me again
"Look who you are..."

But it sounds so stupid, this will sound so stupid

Please, don't leave
Please, don't leave me
Please, don't go away from here

But now I'm back at home again
Everyone's gone again
Nobody here

The loneliness comes creeping in
To where we've been in
That's what I fear

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