Itchy Poopzkid - Through The Window songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Through The Window songtext lyrics]

I'm broken, come try to fix me, it's no game
Can't you see my life is going down the drain?
I'm starting to realize this is insane
No one cares, when no one knows your name

All alone with the shadow that's by my side
All alone through the window into the night
On my own like the rain on a summer day
All alone with the blood running through my veins

I have never had no fame and no glory
Even voices in my head seem hate me
Love and hope is what's concerning me real deep
And the wish to finally make you see

Come on and just walk by again!
I'm used to not being a friend

No matter what I do or say you just turn your face away
Away from me

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