Itchy Poopzkid - We Say So songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - We Say So songtext lyrics]

We got an issue
There is something
Going round our heads
And it is no good
We were told
There should be love instead

But the ground you leave behind
Is not able to let love grow
And our hatred you deny
Will come back in a row

We say so
It ain't over 'til
We say so
It ain't over 'til
We say so

You got an issue
'Cause we are not the only ones
And this is real good
The big battle has just begun

A new movement on the rise
You'll be begging us to quit
So fuck you and fuck those lies
We don't need a permit

We say so
It ain't over 'til
We say so
It ain't over 'til
We say so

And when the going's getting tough
The tough get going - we get going
Because we have had enough

We say so
It ain't over 'til
We say so
It ain't over 'til
We say so

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