Itchy Poopzkid - Where I Wanna Be songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Where I Wanna Be songtext lyrics]

Back in 1991 when I was a little kid
I went to the stadium for the first time
I admit that this day created a decision and a way
A constant in my life will be on Saturdays

I didn't choose my club because clubs always choose you
A new beating in my heart - there was nothing I could do
And I spent my pocket money on a scarf in red and white
Wherever you will go, I will walk by your side

And you - you will never understand
Why this means so much to me
Sing along and raise your hands
This is where I wanna be

Back in 1996 I went to a punk rock show
For the first time in my life I spoke up and now I know
That this day implanted a change of mind
A new position is what I defined

I couldn't take a breath
I was lying on the floor
With an elbow in my face
And I started to adore it
What I had found was the place to be
Somehow it felt like a family

So the years went by and now I find myself
Singing from a stage and in case you need you help
If there's one thing you should take home with you:
If you find something you love - just never let it go!

And you - you will finally understand
Why this means so much to me
Sing along and raise your hands
This is where we wanna be

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