Itchy Poopzkid - Why Still Bother songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Why Still Bother songtext lyrics]

Why still bother
When we all ignore each other
Going under
Why still bother
We are all the same

Faith and purpose - we have lost it
Why believe when there's no way to trust it
Destination - it's a dead end
We get along pretty well when we only pretend

Where did it go wrong?
Why did we all sit and stare?
What was going on?
Was anybody there?

Why still bother
When we all ignore each other
Going under
Why still bother
We are all the same
Why still bother
When we all ignore each other
Going under
Why still bother
We are all the same
And every single person is to blame

We have found one motivation
How to get rid of great expectations
Cold and empty on the inside
Deaf, dumb and blind we are moving right into the light

Where did it go wrong?
Why did we all sit and stare?
What was going on?
Was anybody there?

Why still bother
When we all ignore each other
Going under
Why still bother
We are all the same
Why still bother
When we all ignore each other
Going under
Why still bother
We are all the same
And every single person is to blame

Where did it go wrong?
Why did we all sit and stare?
What was going on?
Was anybody there?

Why still bother
When we all ignore each other
Going under
Why still bother
We are all the same
Why still bother
When we all ignore each other
Going under
Why still bother
We are all the same
And every single person is to blame

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