NWH - Ice Froggy Frog lyrics
[NWH - Ice Froggy Frog lyrics]
Ice froggy frog jumpin and I got the drop
Git so low in the grass, tadpoles will sing
Long reach to the spot where
My tongue will fling
Hippin and hoppin hoppin and hippin
But don't your sleep
Nine four-zay's the ye zear for me
To buck up the sheets
And I ain't holdin' nothin' back and
I'm bout to yank nine from my gunny sack
It's like that and as a matter of fact
(fling your tongue fast)
Cause I never hesitate to give
A dragonfly a smack
Yeah, so jump through the sands a bit
You see that it's a must we hop logs n' sit
What's my name fool?
Ice froggy frog ice froggy frog
It's the frog to the log, hippin and hoppin
Ribbit in all an' ice froggy frog
In the middle of the pond
Like every day, amphibian slippin
In all the way, like I said
None of ya'll can hip to this and
None of ya'll can hop to that
Flies that I drop and you know I don't
Stop, Mister 187 on a CB4 plot
Hip hop
Not wit a Glock just some rocks and a shock
Ever call me kermit and you'll
Feel that blood loss
And I spring through the bog and
I bounce through the fog
Cause I'm ice froggy froggy froggy frog!
Croak croak croak ribbit croak ribbit croak
Croak croak croak ribbit croak ribbit croak
Now just flick your tongue way up
In the air and lap it
All around like it all around
Till you taste that tail
Yeah, roll up the plank and walk the length
You in the drank
Why? Cause froggy's on the bank
My croaker sacks all swoll
My skins is mean green and now I'm on a roll
So flow with the frog pond right behind me
And up in your toad is
Where you might find me slingin'
And swingin' that swamp thing
She wants the frog with the croaker sack
So jump back polly gets what pollywogs
The frog with the biggest log
What's my name fool?
Croak croak croak ribbit croak ribbit croak
Croak croak croak ribbit croak ribbit croak