Zedd Ace, niLL - Better run letra (lyrics)

[Zedd Ace, niLL - Better run letra lyrics]

This is A public service announcement, a
Black young man with a mask
Is terrorizing the whole town
Of maid city, remain in your homes,  don't go
Out, I repeat, don't go out, please

Big base, nick fella, big
Dick fina get better, addicted weed
Seller, on riggi riggula base
Bitch better knit sweaters
I been fedda sick nana cuz
She spit with a pigment

Ah say when we come baby girl you better run
I take it back we just finna have a little
Fun, I see behind your back there, you got a
Little gun, no that will never help baby
Imma show you hell

Ah say when we come baby girl you better run
I take it back we just finna have a little
Fun, I see behind your back there, you got a
Little gun, no that will never help baby
Imma show you hell

What A pity, itty bitty cuty kitty
Little missy think ill be back in a giffy
Kisses and goodbyes turned to an eternity
You just met the goat, yh big billlly
I murder lyricalllly
Saw you on the telllle, then
I brought you home, made you rub my belllly
On your bike you just pushing the pedal
Riding through the night, you
Must feel so unsettled, now you could
Hear me rattle from behind, it's
Time for your Demise, taste of ghetto
Girl You be looking fine
Shit speak of the devil
Girl you make me go outa my mind

You want some tea ill go get the kettle
Or do you want some wine
I bearly serve my victims, heres a
Medal, don't you waste my time
You wanna feel
Divine, think there's a bed to put outa
Line, cuz there a body On it
Every night i stuff it up with pie

I'm not bad I'm not evil I'm just fed
Up with the people who keep talking crap
Be rash and could yet be so deceitful, time
To take a nap, heres your dosage
I push it through the needle
Then I lay you right beside your
Friend now who you calling evil

Ah say when we come baby girl you better run
I take it back we just finna have a little
Fun, I see behind your back there, you got a
Little gun, no that will never help baby
Imma show you hell

Ah say when we come baby girl you better run
I take it back we just finna have a little
Fun, I see behind your back there, you got a
Little gun, no that will never help baby
Imma show you hell

Huh the Whispers in my head
You prick you better listen
I'm the only balls you got
Shut it remind yourself
The mission, yet you killing
Daughters of the politicians
Don't you wanna be a king of murdering
And skinning all the girls there is
And you never seem like the person
Who keeps picking up the lesson
You just wanna do your stuff and
Push it forward in your vision
You're supposed to be the shooter and
For me to be your weapon
Now you're acting all strange this
Failure isn't meant to happen

Ace shut up, come here help me cut up
All these girl, and bring butter, you bring
Alot of butter from the store
Instead of piling and dumping them all
Up in here like before
Well just dip em into that and
Well just cover up the floor
Man I'm fed up, when I talk you just
Just shut up
Man I'm, just sick of this shit
Now when I Kill you pick it up
Bitch, check your ass pockets for some
Biscuit's, cuz I feel so desssspicable
A skitzo fucker in this bitch

Listen up Davis, you could sit right
There screaming out Lord save us
It's funny how they
Just see death in the eye, yelling out
Lord Jesus, some yell for the neighbors
So sad oh my oh dear poor Davis, man how
Do I say this, grievance has stages
I don't do no favors

You know I kill when i sing sing
Sing, kinda helps with the thinking
When a phone goes ding ding ding
I go nuts with the ringing, i go look
For my chainsaw
Turn to my lil fun engine right
Then i finna just pull
A pin pin you could hear it
Go vin vin vin, vin vin, vin vin vin

Ah say when we come baby girl you better run
I take it back we just finna have a little
Fun, I see behind your back there, you got a
Little gun, no that will never help baby
Imma show you hell

Ah say when we come baby girl you better run
I take it back we just finna have a little
Fun, I see behind your back there, you got a
Little gun, no that will never help baby
Imma show you hell

Besides blades, sometimes I love to
Play with little razors
It helps me when you think
You're smart and wanna get
Evasive, cuz if u wanna get
Through me you better
Tie your laces, cuz when I get you brother
You'll remember me for ages

I'm real dark when i keep piercing
In my knife and keep pushing, stop yelling
Real hard, I'm harder than Vlad Putin i'll
Stitch your boobies on the floor
Use it as fresh cushion
Tomorrow find me ina bar
With another one smooching

You should run (yh) Girl you better run run
Always watch your back if you
Don't here i come come
Imma kidnap you, imma cut your hands
Off, make your wrist slap you
Imma make it fun fun

You should run (yh) Girl you better run run
Always watch your back if you
Don't here i come come
Imma kidnap you, imma cut your hands
Off, make your wrist slap you
Imma make it fun fun

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