Zedd Ace, niLL - Grind letra (lyrics)

[Zedd Ace, niLL - Grind letra lyrics]

Man you better Get em get em, when you
Go get em then you cut em and gut em
Split em in half right from the belly button

Grind grind, all of them brains
(yh)  till like 9 in the morning when
It's my meal time, then I cook up and
Dine yh but the truth is
That I'm outta my mind
And I don't feel fine when it must be time
To gather my bodies and to say bye bye
Man what is wrong, I'm the hottest
Cake, I'm as tough as brick, and
Like butter i make girls water my
Plants as I batter them
Maybe it's cuz'a pills that
I woulda mixed with my liquor making it rain
Hidden in pain is a pleasure
Filled gain, you better listen up and you
Better maintain, cuz one wrong move
And your wrapped in my chain, as i
Make hover hover hover, i make you fly as
You hang oh brother, you look so
Sweet and you look so innocent, that was so
Fun, yay I'll invite another the next
Hunt was another whore Jane
She wanted my love
And a taste of my fame, bitch showed
Not an ounce of her shame
Brought my butcher knife out and said my good
Girl come here let's play a game

Grind grind, all of them brains
(yh) till like 9 in the morning
When it's my meal time, then I cook
Up and dine yh but the truth
Is that I'm outta my mind
And I don't feel fine when it must be time
To gather my bodies and to say bye bye

'Oh jeez', I lost keys, I can't get
Into my house, and I need, to
Make in time so I could atleast enjoy
Myself, man I'll be so please
D i remember leaving Jane tied
Up on her knees, broke my door got in there
Blood every where wait it seems that
I was wrong, I cut Janes legs right off
From her knees well, Change of plans
I'll just grab my seat, sit and watch
As the girl just bleeds, scream louder, no
Onell come to your needs i'll use girls
Like you till I reach my peak, i listen to
Her 'breathe breathe breathe'
She breathes and breathes
As I eat and smile, what!?, you want some
Steak, Or you don't eat meat? you fuckin
Whore, why won't you fucking answer me
You listen when I talk

Grind grind all of them brains
(yh) till like 9 in the morning
When it's my meal time, then I cook
Up and dine yh but the truth
Is that I'm outta my mind
And I don't feel fine when it must be time
To gather my bodies and to say bye bye

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