Zedd Ace, niLL - Some Dream letra (lyrics)

[Zedd Ace, niLL - Some Dream letra lyrics]

Let's talk about hit's let's talk about
Blows, let's talk about music
And a couple dead hoes
Always watch your back
Wherever you wanna go
 and wherever you go baby
Imma follow when the
Night kicks in you go out but you
Know you'll not return
Under the moon you watch your back but
You never learn could be hiding in a
Bush and the minute you turn
You'll be gone and you won't feel a
Thing 'I'll take away the pain'
You Waking up the next day
You ain't feeling the same, voice
In the dark asking a question
"sweety what's your name"
She says my name is "ayeesha
And who the hell are
You and why'd you bring me here and what
You gonna do, i wanna see your face
That depends on how you act
If you're smart enough you could be
Fine, but just know there's no where to hide
No where
To go, no one nearby to save your life
Don't even bother trying to untie
Yourself unless you wanna die

She felt like it was just some dream
She spent days praying that I let her leave
She told me once that she's just 19
Parents are out looking for their daughter

We played a little chess and she let me win
She told me stories and I shared my things
I shaved her hair and she made me sing
Even taught me how to cook some Tuna

A couple weeks gone, we felt
This bond, everything was settled
The girls been forgotten
She went insane, shouldn't have heard my
Songs, she wants to be mine
For me to hold on
Now I feel vague cuz I don't feel
Fine, the girl should be screaming
Should be putting up a fight
I ought to end it all, man I ought to
Take her life it don't make sense man
Sum'n ain't right
So girl what the deal, you seem pretty
Ill, I know you feel pain
But you don't take the
Pills, can't put you out your misery
I just can't
Kill, though I could to set you free
And I'll settle all the bills
So I unlocked, and I unchained, Zedd
Ace has never done this, am
I insane?, supposed to be a
Menace, cutting finger and toes
But I'm yelling out "ayeesha bitch just go"

She felt like it was just some dream
She spent days praying that I let her leave
She told me once that she's just 19
Parents are out looking for their daughter

We played a little chess and she let me win
She told me stories and I shared my things
I shaved her hair and she made me sing
Even taught me how to cook some Tuna

I put her blind folds so
She won't see nothing
So she won't spit out for the
Cops to come running, 'I yelled out leave'
The tears start dripping, she wept so hard
"this place ain't prison
Please don't make me leave, you
Made me your kitten
We sang our songs and we
Played in the kitchen
Remember how we killed rats
Beheaded young pigeons?, i don't
Wanna go, I said I don't wanna go, please
Zedd ace listen
You think I did bad but I know I didn't
Remember all those name on
My back youve written?
We could kill them one by one by one
Don't make
Me run, I'm just admitting where will I go?
I can't just fit in, my past life
They don't remember
Who I was rather who I have become, please
Id rather leave them guessing

She felt like it was just some dream
She spent days praying that I let her leave
She told me once that she's just 19
Parents are out looking for their daughter
We played a little chess and she let me win
She told me stories and I shared my things
I shaved her hair and she made me sing
Even taught me how to cook some Tuna

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