Zedd Ace, niLL - Slice you up letra (lyrics)

[Zedd Ace, niLL - Slice you up letra lyrics]

Yh alright now listen, i need you to focus
I need you to go dig deep
In your mind this is Important
Every buck and penny I make Imma give it to
Orphans don't even think
About getting me to speak in conference
I love everyone man yh I love the people
Just cuz I keep body bags
That don't mean I'm evil yh, I
Kill, but for good reasons
Just like how are army are being accused fur
Several different counts and act of treason
Fine I was just leaving
But be thankful for a lot of thing like
Be thankful that I left you breathing
I could tell you how I got your girl to
Cheat, it's sad she never
Left my house alive
That to me is even Stevens

Man I'll be needing my blade
First thing that came to mind when the
Beat vibrated, you always seem to do
The things i scream I hate
I'll untie you let you run it'll
Be fun when I chase

I'm inhuman on the mic
Bitch don't you fucking
Scream and don't you apologize
It won't help, don't
Even hope that I'll be nice, allow me to
Think of how imma get my knife
So I'll come and slice you up

I don't do this cuz of hate, heck I don't
Even know why I had to love the taste, i
Don't even know how I turned to Zedd Ace
Allow me to think of how imma get my knife
So I'll come and slice you up
One of my victims ran quite well
Weak as he is
Mistake that he made was turning around
And screaming "Zedd Ace eat this"
Threw a brick and funny he missed
He jump in the lake to swim away
He sadly was attacked by some leeches
So I pulled the fucker out
Tied him to the boat
Yh? let the blades do their work
Then I washed myself in the dirt
I figured mud will hide the
Blood had my body immersed
None of this shit was rehersed
I'd hate to call names but I'd kill
Rappers too if they cross my turf
I'll resurface then I'll slit their
Necks then go reverse
How ever i try always emerge top of
The pile top of the burst stare at my eyes
You could feel the wrath of of curse

Man I'll be needing my blade
First thing that came to mind when the
Beat vibrated, you always seem to do
The things i scream I hate
Biggest mistake you made was when you flipped
The mask to see my face

I'm inhuman on the mic
Bitch don't you fucking
Scream and don't you apologize
It won't help, don't
Even hope that I'll be nice, allow me to
Think of how imma get my knife
So I'll come and slice you up

I don't do this cuz of hate, heck I don't
Even know why I had to love the taste, i
Don't even know how I turned to Zedd Ace
Allow me to think of how imma get my knife
So I'll come and slice you up

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