2Baba - Implications lyrics
[2Baba - Implications lyrics]
As I disobey my mother
I come dey get plenty wahala
As I follow the brother as
He commit the disaster
Just because say I dey there
Colo, enter the yawa
Olele, olele ole jelapooloo lele!
Ole wua olewua, ole jelu bu lewua
Implication And you know
Just like Adam and Eve
Anywhere that you go I will follow
And you know
As I follow you to eat up the seed
We shall reap what we sow
Mngu orlo we mega mkenge we ki cha
Kwagh wou gande, mkede ava sha
Se er hanma kwagh together ki usu kpa se za
Havande kpa se za mngu undun we ga
Zanzan tartoo ava