Itchy Poopzkid - Ain't My Business songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Ain't My Business songtext lyrics]

You are accusing me
Of being mean lately
That I've been pretending
Instead of depending
On what you say or do
I break your heart in two
Your conversation thing drives me nuts

One thing that's crystal clear
I'll fail my class this year
They tell me what went wrong
I say "ok, go on"
That doesn't bother me
I think I'm gonna sleep
So would you, please, leave me alone

No time to argue
No time to talk
Just leave 'cause I don't care
It ain't my business
Won't ever be
So nevermind, oh yeah

Now even in my own room
I will be kicked out soon
The final warning's told
My house already sold
No place where I belong
No one can tell me wrong
There's the door stay outta my life

No time to argue
No time to talk
Just leave 'cause I don't care
It ain't my business
Will never be
So nevermind, oh yeah

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