Itchy Poopzkid - Hate Inc. songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Hate Inc. songtext lyrics]

I'm sick of all the tension
The fighting not to mention
I'm so sick of hating you

The fucking way we argue
The fucking wish to kill you
Makes me wanna throw up on you

I thought what we had was real
But it all turned out wrong
When you wake up tomorrow I'll be gone (forever)

Hate, all I feel is hate

I gotta quit and leave before it's too late (forever)
Fate, all I fear is fate

Imprisoned by your mind I will no longer wait (before it is too late)

You're jealous, pissed and angry
A fucking idiot to me
You're a lovely night gone wrong

You can't be used for living
At least your good for one thing:
You're the reason for this song

I can't hold myself down
Can't be loved when you're around

About to break, to break out
Wasting time here it's all your fault

Fucking pain is killing me
Fucking hell is all I see

What I take, I take my pride
You won't eat me out alive

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