Itchy Poopzkid - Silence Is Killing Me songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Silence Is Killing Me songtext lyrics]

The music's on it feels good tonight
Let's sing let's swing let's hit all short- waves right

Silence is killing me
You gotta scream for me
Sing along
Sing along
Sing along
Let's dance away

Shake shake shake shake shake those hips
Don't ever turn it down
Coz my radio's the only thing around
Shake shake shake shake shake those hips
Don't ever turn it down
When it's ways too loud my radio's the sound

It's gotta be loud it's got to be free
And every single one of my bones start moving immediately

Silence is killing me
You gotta scream for me
Sing along
Sing along
Sing along
Let's dance away

Shake shake shake shake shake those hips
Don't ever turn it down
Coz my radio's the only thing around
Shake shake shake shake shake those hips
Don't ever turn it down
When it's ways too loud my radio's the sound

Silence is killing me
So kick in the beat for me
Turn it up
Sing along
Let's dance away

Shake shake shake shake shake those hips
Don't ever turn it down
Coz my radio's the only thing around
Shake shake shake shake shake those hips
Don't ever turn it down
Coz my radio's the

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