Itchy Poopzkid - Tonight songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - Tonight songtext lyrics]

A broken heart - a chaos life
It's never ending
You're getting cold and teary-eyed

Your whole world is turning gray
But no one's sending someone to put it aside

Tonight I'll be right by your side
Turn on the sounds and blinding lights

Oh tonight, we're gonna leave it all behind
You and I will be alright
Bring them colors in we'll prove that black is white
You and I will be alright - tonight

So what are you looking for in these ruins
You have been in here before

Let it be - oh, let it go
Drink it up now
Let's get ready for the show

You'll be the first to know
As long as music plays we're not alone
Now all I do is wish I could pretend
This ecstatic night would never end

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