Itchy Poopzkid - With Heads Held High songtext (lyrics)

[Itchy Poopzkid - With Heads Held High songtext lyrics]

Let's be loud and be heard - this is what we need
There is word on the street - they can feel the beat
But it takes more to get what's going on
All the wild energy going back and forth
We will bring down this house
'Til we're burned and hoarse
We are so much more when we are one

With our heads held high we'll pass the storm
Together we keep going on
We will never ever stop again
With our heads held high we'll pass the storm
Together we keep going on
We will never ever stop again

We've been waiting for this since the rumours spread
What you see what you hear is what you get
You and us we let our curtains down
Sometimes keeping a smile is hard to do
Sometimes life is a bitch and we are too
But not tonight or feet won't touch the ground

With our heads held high we'll pass the storm
Together we keep going on
We will never ever stop again
With our heads held high we'll pass the storm
Together we keep going on
We will never ever stop again

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